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Stop Losing Your Best Candidates During Hiring or Onboarding

So, you’ve finally found the best, stand-out candidate for your open position. Your review of their resume has you checking off the boxes of requirements on your list, your initial conversation together goes splendidly and all of a sudden they disappear – you’ve been ghosted. So, what happened?

Stop Losing Your Best Candidates during Hiring and Onboarding

Stop Losing Your Best Candidates during Hiring and Onboarding

While every business owner knows the critical nature of creating happy customers, what business owners and companies may fail to recognize is that job applicants and candidates are your customers. And in today’s world of social sharing, customer reviews and ratings, making the candidate experience mirror the customer service experience is critical for a successful business and positive employer brand.  

These candidates (a.k.a. customers) might be our current or future customers or their trusted friends. By applying for a job with your business, they are attempting to make an even closer, more intimate connection than the occasional buyer. So as a candidate, they are in a great position to share about their either positive (or negative) experience with their friends, family and social networks.  

This is precisely why creating a positive candidate experience is an opportunity to promote your brand. Each interaction to hire can be an opportunity to gain (or lose) customers. Therefore, ensuring you create a positive candidate experience is a highly valuable investment that is just plain good for business.   

As an article from HR executive reports, “83 percent of job seekers will change their minds about a company they liked, if they have a poor candidate experience.”  

To ensure the best candidate experience, here are a few points to address as you attract, engage and convert your most desired candidates.  

  1. Good first impressions – When hiring you want your candidates to make a good first impression so make sure your company does the same. Make it easy to learn about your company culture on your website. Your job posting, career site and application process could be your candidates’ first experience of your business – make it a good one!  
  2. Be crystal clear – While your job postings must be engaging and easily understood, also be sure your job application instructions are clear and concise. Creating job postings that are attractive, easy to read and navigate are essential.  
  3. In the loop – Be sure to keep the lines of communication open with candidates throughout the hiring process. This may be as simple as implementing an automated email. Regardless of how, be sure to follow up with candidates within 3 days of each point of contact, including when they first submit an application or inquiry. Keep communication consistent at each stage of the hiring process. Remember, they are likely applying to more than one job at once!  
  4. Go fully mobile – These days we hear a lot about making sure your career site or website is mobile friendly, go beyond “friendly” and ensure it’s also optimized for mobile, so candidates are able to apply via their cell phone.  
  5. Get them on board from day one – As soon as they accept or consider a job, candidates want to know three things:  Does the business have its act together? Is it a great place to work?  Are you invested in their success? 

Onboarding the candidate well, is your chance to gain their commitment and engage them in your business. The fact is, in the first 90 days you’re still gaining their loyalty. It’s a critical time to set your new rock star teammate up for success. Review their responsibilities, define their focus, introduce them to the team and discuss their career path.  

Most importantly-make them feel welcomed even before they start! 

  • Send them a welcome goody bag with company swag. 
  • Email the team an introduction email about your new team member and copy the new team member. 
  • Create a fun, engaging, informative, and productive schedule for your new hire to follow for the first two weeks. 
  • Decorate their desk, office, workspace with balloons and a welcome banner for their first day.  Get the whole team involved. 

You’ve spent time, effort and resources on recruiting so onboard them well to retain them so they can add value to your business!  

If you feel overwhelmed with how to institute a recruiting process to build your employer brand or an onboarding process to keep your new hires happy, we are here to assist. Contact us today to discover what’s possible to make you an employer of choice by creating an excellent candidate experience. 

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